Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Win a "PINK" Dyson Vaccum

http://Win a Dyson “Pink” Vaccuum in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month"
I know.....where in the world are all my blog posts?

I have been a very bad blogger! The problem was that I had blogs on 3

different sites! I couldn't make up my mind, which I liked better.

Not the best excuse, but it's true.

PLUS.....my work from home has kept me SO busy! Since the last post(yes more

than 2 years!!!!! ago) the company I work for has lost

2 people and just recently gained the 2 back plus another. So...I am hoping

to get back to blogging!

Enough of that..... I came across this contest. Not sure if it is true or not, but

thought......what a great way to get out the breat cancer awareness message

anyway!!! And if it is a legit contest how cool would it be to win this vaccum?

(And the site that this is from is pretty neat too.) :)

SO....spread the word!!!