Friday, September 05, 2008

Back to as usual

It sucks! Summer was entirely way to short!

Where did it go? Didn't school just end?

We did manage to go to the beach one more time on Wednesday.

Every year right after 4th of July, Target

starts to put out the school supplies. I always

get that panic/anxiety feeling...just knowing

that school is not that far away.

The past few years I have been emotional

the last weeks of August. I could start bawling

like a baby over pretty much everything.

This year we must have been too busy.

It didn't hit me until Wednesday night.

I know, I know...most parents are kicking their

heels up with joy at the thought of back to school.

Not me! I LOVE having Jakob home for the summer.

He loves his teacher and his class. Thank God!

It seems like he is going to have a wonderful and fun year.

Everyone that I talk to says that his teacher is so nice and

does so many fun things. I am excited for this year and I

will be back to my non-emotional self in a few days.